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[ Vadim Kotelnikov ]   Created: 12/16/09   Closing date: 12/31/09

Airplane FoodWhy so much food is wasted in every flight? Why airlines and catarers don't try to reuse unpacked food items thus increasing their profits and reducing food waste and food shortage in this world?

Expert rating 8
Public rating 8.2

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What if airlnes start collecting unpacked food items from passengers before collecting trays  after each meal? These unpacked items could be sold at half-price to the caterer. Soon, airlines would know the value of left-over food items for evey flight, so they won't have to calculate it any more every time. They just sell it at, say US$50 to the caterer.

Thus airlines and caterers would make additional US$ 50 from every flight, and the World would have less food waste and less food shortage.

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[ Eva Novakova ] 12/16/09 Add a comment
Expert rating 7.67
Public rating 7.75

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What if a conveyor would automaticly be lowered from the plain's ceiling during each mealtime? That way nobody would have to wait for the stuards to pass, and all the practically untouchable food would slide right into the hands of the people, who will pack them up for their next assignment. As for this I suggest special cafeteriums to be opened, where people would know the way this food got there and could bye it at half-price

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  Eva Novakova 7.75 12/16/09
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