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[ Ravi Bindra ]   Created: 2/20/15   Closing date: 2/27/15
Market size: Large (> 10,000,000 people)    Investments required: Medium (< US$5,000,000)
Expert rating 6.33
Public rating 6.2

Search engines can search the entire website. Yet, quite often we need to find something at a particular page or in a particular document.

The proposed minor improvement in search engines will solve the problem and add a lot of value to a website visitor.

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[ Anchali Hyapha ] 2/20/15 Add a comment
Expert rating 6.33
Public rating 6.2

Further search engine improvement would be an option "Find a Picture" at this website.

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  Anchali Hyapha 6.2 2/20/15
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