Ravi Bindra ]
Created: 12/17/10
Closing date:
Market size: Large (> 10,000,000 people)
Investments required: Medium (< US$5,000,000)
Expert rating7.75
Public rating7.83
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Very often, when we have to wait for something in a noisy place (airports, railway stations, sky trains, hospitals, restaurants, etc.) we can watch TV but cannot hear the sound. Mobile phones could provide a radio service brodcasting popular TV channels. Thus, people wasting their time by waiting for something could use the time more effectively. Mobile phone companies providing this service would increase their sales.
I've just cam accross a new great great prodiuct Satellite TV for PC. You have to pay for Internet connection here while listening to radio is free. Nevertheless, it could serve as a tempoorary solution while TV channels are not available on radio yet. Cheers!