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[ Elena Dobrynchenko ]   Created: 10/7/10   Closing date: 10/31/10
Market size: Large (> 10,000,000 people)    Investments required: Medium (< US$5,000,000)
Expert rating 7.83
Public rating 7.86

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Mosquito Repellent Many people dream about mosquito repellent pills. The market demand is huge, yet effective mosquito repellent pills have not been invented so far. The article "Oral and Topical Mosquito Repellents" says, "There have been attempts to show that garlic, bananas and vitamin B can be taken orally and prevent mosquitoes. This is not true. There are numerous and respected studies that have have shown that there is no protection from Garlic, Vitamin B or any other ingested methods of bite prevention."

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[ Vadim Stebakov ] 10/7/10 Add a comment

especally when I go fishing.

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Yes, I'd be an active buyer of Mosquito Repellent Pills
  Vadim Stebakov 10/7/10
My blood would thus become poisonous?:-)
Humorous Victoria Kozlova 10/16/10
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