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[ Vadim Kotelnikov ]   Created: 5/1/10   Closing date: 5/31/10
Market size: Not specified    Investments required: Not specified
Expert rating 8.6
Public rating 8.67

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Enjoying Fresh AirAn Intelligent Deduster will preform three functions:

1. Tuning. Analyse characteristics of the dust typical for a given area and tune its functions accordingly.

2. Absorbing Dust. Work like a powerful magnet for this dust range.

3. Process Dust. Turn the dust collected into small pellets easy to dispose of.

[ Vadim Stebakov ] 5/2/10 Add a comment

That's wouls be great to have such an Intelligent Deduster. I'm allergic to dust, so the Intelligent Deduster would make my life happier.

[ Vadim Kotelnikov ] 5/2/10 Add a comment

Hi, Vada. I'm dust allergic too, that's actually why the idea of Intelligent Deduster came to my mind.

Let's establish an new venture together to deisgn and manufacture an Intelligent Deduster. We'll have at least two loyal customers - you and me:-))) Not bad for a startup firm:-)))

[ Ravi Bindra ] 5/2/10 Add a comment

The whole India needs such an Intelligent Deduster. Please let me know when you have it produced. I'll be you diistributor in India. It's a billion-people market. Not bad expansion for your initial two-customer market:-)))

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[ Elena Dobrynchenko ] 5/2/10 Add a comment

It'll be great to not having remove the dust at all. Please enlist me as your distributer. I'll sell it at my home. There is at least one customer here:-)))

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I'll be your distributor at my home
Humorous Elena Dobrynchenko 5/2/10
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