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[ Dragan Dejkovic ]   Created: 12/24/16   Closing date: 12/30/16
Market size: Large (> 10,000,000 people)    Investments required: Not specified
Expert rating 5.67
Public rating 5.4

Moblie phones have easy to access "Mute" button, but no "Deaf" button.

All to often we are ready to listen but don't want the interlocutor to hear what's going on around us.

The "Deaf" button would solve the problem.

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[ Elena Dobrynchenko ] 12/24/16 Add a comment
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Smartphone with a Voice Filter
  Vadim Kotelnikov 6.33 12/24/16
Great modification - greater than the original idea
  Dragan Dejkovic 12/24/16
  Blob Varchar 12/24/16
Especially useful in subway, a train and other noisy places
  Elena Dobrynchenko 12/24/16
This is useful when you speak from the toilet)
  Elena Dobrynchenko 12/24/16
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