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[ Artem Luyta ]   Created: 12/28/10   Closing date: 1/27/11
Market size: Medium (< 10,000,000 people)    Investments required: Small (< US$50,000)
Expert rating 6.8
Public rating 6

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I bring to your attention rather original idea. Once I have tried to add in usual milk of a few sugar and very tasty dairy drink has turned out. I have allowed to try a drink my native and to friends and it very much was pleasant to all of them. I suggest to make milk with sugar. I think buyers will be happy to a new simple dairy drink.

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[ Victoria Kozlova ] 12/31/10 Add a comment
Expert rating 7.33
Public rating 7.5

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If milk with sugar is welcomed by the market, milk with honey, I believe, would have even greater market protential. Honey is testier and healthier than sugar. Besides, there are many varieties of honey. Thus, many varieties of milk with honey could be tested on the market to see wich ones sell better.

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It's a great opportunity to open an Argentinian cafe!:-)
  Vadim Kotelnikov 12/29/10
Milk with Honey
  Victoria Kozlova 7.5 12/31/10
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