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[ Ravi Bindra ]   Created: 10/13/24   Closing date: 11/12/24

USA and EU imposed snactions that make international transactions in US$ and Euro more difficult. As Nitsche put it, "That which does not kill us makes us stronger." Let's invent creative ways out this probllem that  would make the World at large stronger.

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[ Vadim Kotelnikov ] 10/13/24 Add a comment
Expert rating 10
Public rating 10

The Japanese haiku by Issa says, "O snail, climb Mount Fuji with no hurry." 

Launched in 2017, World Innompic Games and Ecosystem engaged people from 40+ countries by now. We started developing e-Innompics, a web-based platform, that would engage over 1 billion people by 2026. We'll  also create a cryptocurrency that will be used woithing the rapidly-growin gllobal Innompic ecosystem. 

The role of US$ and Euro is declining  while the role of other currencies, including cryptocurrencies, is growing steadily. This "snail" climbs the Mount Fuji with no hurry, but it is sure to reach the top rather sooner than later.

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Innompic cryptocurrecny used by over 1 billion people
  Vadim Kotelnikov 10 10/13/24
Wonderrful creative solution! Is this an idea or a startaup?
  Ravi Bindra 10/13/24
We've started experimenting with NFT this year
  Vadim Kotelnikov 10/13/24
Laughter as the Most Powerful Weapon
  Dragan Dejkovic 9.75 10/13/24
Oh, yes - extremely effective and very simple to implement
  Vadim Kotelnikov 10/13/24
Yes, laughter is a master key!
  Anchali Hyapha 10/13/24
Yes, this strategy would definitely work
  Ravi Bindra 10/13/24
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